by National Business Aviation Association



Prepare for the show and enhance your on-site experience

The European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (EBACE) is a premier event and the annual meeting place for the European business aviation community. The convention will bring together business leaders, government officials, manufacturers, corporate aviation department personnel and all manner of people involved in nearly every aspect of business aviation.The free EBACE app will allow attendees and exhibitors to prepare for the show and enhance their on-site experience.The app includes a a full schedule of education sessions, with the ability to add them to your personal calendar; alerts for real­time updates; an interactive exhibit floor plan and static display map; and social media features.With the return to in-person events this update provides several new QR code based “contactless” features including digital business card exchange and session and exhibitor check-in so you can connect and be more productive while minimizing physical contact with other attendees and printed materials. Do you have an idea for a new feature? Or need help or support? Contact us directly through the app.